第 3.3 节 gitup 的用法

FreeBSD 14.0 已经删除了 portsnap,转而使用 git,如本文所述可以使用 gitup 替代之。

# pkg install gitup #安装 gitup
# gitup ports #获取 latest 的 ports
# gitup release #获取 release 版本的源代码

境内 Git 镜像站

# cp /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf
# ee /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf

内容如下(有 ①②③ 共计三个需要修改的地方):

# $FreeBSD$
# Default configuration options for gitup.conf.
	"defaults" : {
		"host"           : "mirrors.ustc.edu.cn",  #①改动成这样
		"port"           : 443,
#		"proxy_host"     : "",
#		"proxy_port"     : 0,
#		"proxy_username" : "",
#		"proxy_password" : "",
#		"source_address" : "",
		"low_memory"     : false,
		"display_depth"  : 0,
		"verbosity"      : 1,
		"work_directory" : "/var/db/gitup",

	"ports" : {
		"repository_path"  : "/freebsd-ports/ports.git",  #②改动成这样
		"branch"           : "main",
		"target_directory" : "/usr/ports",
		"ignores"          : [],

	"quarterly" : {
		"repository_path"  : "/freebsd-ports/ports.git",  #③改动成这样
		"branch"           : "quarterly",
		"target_directory" : "/usr/ports",
		"ignores"          : [],

	"release" : {
		"repository_path"  : "/src.git",
		"branch"           : "releng/13.2",
		"target_directory" : "/usr/src",
		"ignores"          : [

	"stable" : {
		"repository_path"  : "/src.git",
		"branch"           : "stable/13",
		"target_directory" : "/usr/src",
		"ignores"          : [

	"current" : {
		"repository_path"  : "/src.git",
		"branch"           : "main",
		"target_directory" : "/usr/src",
		"ignores"          : [

拉取 ports:

# gitup ports


  • 速度太慢(若不使用镜像站):设置 HTTP 代理

gitup 的代理不取决于系统代理,而是由其配置文件 /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf 单独决定。

示例(先删去前边的 # 再改):

"proxy_host" : "",
"proxy_port" : 7890,
  • 详细调试输出:
# gitup -v2 ports
  • gitup: build_repair_command: There are too many files to repair -- please re-clone the repository: Argument list too long
# rm -rf /usr/ports
# gitup ports

清空目录重新拉取即可,可以无视 rm: /usr/ports/: Device busy 这个提示。
